31. March 2023

Protecting Naval Vessels - A Closer Look at Terma's C-Guard Decoy...

Naval vessels are critical assets in any country's defense arsenal, but they are also vulnerable to a variety of threats, both above and below the surface. To...
6. July 2022

Special – Farnborough Airshow

To shed light on today’s topic, two Terma-veterans of the annual airshow will be joining the podcast to explain why Farnborough International Airshow is such a...
5. July 2022

New Circumstances Bring New Challenges

This article takes a look at the North Atlantic and the Arctic High North from an operational perspective – seeing the area as a whole.
5. July 2022

Arctic: New Circumstances Bring New Challenges

The Arctic region has undergone an extreme development both geographically and politically. Recently, a new layer of complexity has evolved; Russia decided to...
28. June 2022

Future Demands for Arctic Stability

With a focus on operational requirements, we are zooming in on the Arctic region around Greenland and the very icy and harsh environment alongside the water...
22. June 2022

Future Demands for Arctic Stability

The Arctic region is under drastic change and so is the geopolitical situation. As the ice retracts, new resources are uncovered and accessibility increases....
14. June 2022

Innovation: Innovating for The Next Generation of Tech

Today’s episode is a continuation of the last episode on innovation. The main topic today is how to facilitate innovation in large tech companies and...
13. June 2022

Building for Space: A Collaborative Effort Involving Compromises and...

On April 2, 2018, ASIM (Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor was launched into space aboard the CRS-14 Falcon-9/Dragon by SpaceX.
13. June 2022

Innovation: An Essential Process for Engineering Excellence

In today’s episode, we are talking about innovation. When working with defense and space an innovative mindset is a must. But new opportunities equal...